Settlement at RG&E

Thursday, December 21, 2017

We have reached a settlement to the Unfair Labor Practices charge filed in connection with RG&E's announcement to close and consolidate its Energy Control Center with that of NYSEG in Vestal, NY.  This settlement provides for continuing employment for all RG&E ECC employees through at least November 30, 2019.  Gas Operators will remain employed by RG&E and in Rochester--they are materially unaffected by the consolidation--only their management will change--and we have negotiated a collective bargaining agreement to cover the interim period between January 1, 2018 and the expiration of the extant contract on May 31, 2018.  System and Distribution Operators will have job opportunities at the NYSEG control center for those who are able to make that move.   All other classifications will have exclusive  rights to accept open bargaining unit jobs that are not otherwise filled by existing Local 36 members; they may bid open non-union positions within Avangrid and be considered before external candidates; and  if none of these three options is something that works out, employees who continue employment to the end will receive a modest retention incentive bonus.  In the meantime, an interim collective bargaining agreement has been reached similar to that of the Gas Operators which will be effective 1/1/18. At that time all ECC employees will be eligible for Local 36 membership.  There are many more details than  space allows here--copies of the agreement and explanation will be made at the January meeting.

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