Union Election Results

Thursday, June 13, 2019
The results of our Local union elections are in.
I would like thank our Election Judge Paul Juda and Election Tellers Craig Oliver and Dan Termine as well as our Business Representative Judy Paye for coordinating the election logistics and counting the ballots on Monday evening.  Thank you to everyone who voted and to everyone who ran. Our union is a democratic one and we are made stronger when our members take an active role in the union.  Whether you won or lost, or your candidate won or lost, I encourage everyone to say active.   


Beginning at the July Executive Board meeting, which will take place on July 16, 2019, the new officers will be the following:   
President/ Business Manager/ Financial Secretary/ Delegate to the 40th IBEW International Convention 
Jeff Sondervan 
Vice President  Anthony LoBrutto 
Recording Secretary  Mike Sigrist 
Treasurer  Dan Curran 
Executive Board 
Frank Bellavia
Jim Curran
Dana Ellwood
Eric Guest
Bob Knotowicz
Marty Koster
Toney Proctor