Contract Ratified

Friday, June 22, 2018

I am pleased to announce that the tentative collective bargaining agreement for the RG&E unit has been ratified.  This new contract is retroactive to June 1, 2018 and expires on May 31, 2022.  If you were not able to pick up your own copy we will have them available at the July 5, 2018 monthly membership meeting.

Once the contract is approved by IBEW International President Stephenson, it will be sent to print and copies will be distributed to all members.
I want to thank our election judge Paul Juda and election tellers Marty Koster and Mike Sigrist for their time and efforts in the voting process.  You guided us through ratification seamlessly.

I also want to thank the members of the negotiating committee for their tireless efforts through the bargaining process: Vice President/Asst. Business Manager Jeff Hagadorn, Executive Board member/steward Jim Curran, Asst. Business Manager/Executive Board member Craig Rode, Business Representative Judy Gallipeau, and IBEW International Representative Julie Cosenza.  Your perseverance and dedication to the cause brought us to where we are today.


And, of course, all Local 36 members deserve a big thanks for your support and patience these last few months.  It is only with your support that any of this is possible.